Hyaluronic Acid

Synonyms: ...,

CAS Number: 9004-61-9,

Molecular Weight: Varies,

Chemical Formula: (C14H21NO11)n,

EINECS EC Number: 232-678-0,

FEMA: ...

Hyaluronic Acid also known as hyaluronan or hyaluronate, is a carbohydrate, more specifically a mucopolysaccharide occurring naturally throughout the human body.

Specifications of Hyaluronic Acid

Appearance: White powder
Mesh I00% pass through: All passes 80 mesh
Hyaluronic Acid: 95.0 % 99%
Molecular weight (1.0-1.5) x 1000000
Glucuronic acid: 45.0% to 47%
Loss on drying: Maximum 10%
pH(0.1%Solution): 6.0-7.5
Transparency (0.1 % solution): >99. to 99.5%
Proteins (drv basis): Maximum 0.l%
Residue on ignition: Maximum 20%
Heavy Metals: Maximum 20ppm
Arsenic: Maximum 2ppm
Total Plate Count: Maximum 100cfu/gm
Yeast and molds: Maximum 10cfu/gm
Staphylococcus aureus: Negative
Pseudomonas aeruqinosa: Negative.