Ferric Chloride

Synonyms: Iron (III) chloride.,

CAS Number: 10025-77-1 hexahydrate, (7705-08-0 is anhydrous),

Molecular Weight: 270.3,

Chemical Formula: FeCl3.6H2O,

EINECS EC Number: 231-729-4,

FEMA: ...

We offer Ferric Chloride Anhydrous and Hexahydrate.

Ferric Chloride Hexahydrate BP Grade Ph Eur

FeCl3,6H2O -- 270.3 -- 10025-77-1

Content: 98.0 per cent to 102.0 per cent.

Appearance: Crystalline mass or orange-yellow or brownish-yellow crystals, very hygroscopic.
Solubility: Very soluble in water and in ethanol (96 per cent), freely soluble in glycerol.

A. It gives reaction of chlorides.
B. It gives reaction of iron.

Solution S: Dissolve 10 g in distilled water and dilute to 100 ml with the same solvent.
Acidity: In a suitable polyethylene container, dissolve 3.0 g of potassium fluoride in 15 ml of water. Titrate with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide using 0.1 ml of phph solution as indicator until a pink colour is obtained. Add 10 ml of solution S and allow to stand for 3 h. Filter and use 12.5 ml of the filtrate. Not more than 0.30 ml of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide is required to change the colour of the indicator to pink.
Free chlorine: Heat 5 ml of solution S. The vapour does not turn starch iodide paper blue.
Sulphates: Maximum 100 ppm.
Ferrous ions: Maximum 50 ppm.
Heavy metals: Maximum 50 ppm.

Ferric Chloride Hexahydrate Analytical Reagent Grade
Iron(III) Chloride Hexahydrate

Formula Weight 270.30
CAS Number 10025-77-1

Assay 97.0-102.0% FeCl3 . 6H2O

Insoluble matter 0.01%
Nitrate (NO3) 0.01%
Phosphorus compounds (as PO4) 0.01%
Sulfate (SO4) 0.01%
Copper (Cu) 0.03%
Zinc (Zn) 0.03%
Ferrous iron (Fe++) Passes test
Substances not precipitated by ammonium hydroxide (as sulfates) 0.1%

For Original Monographs of IP Indian Pharmacopoeia BP British Pharmacopoeia USP US Pharmacopoeia FCC Food Grade product, please check with the respective web-pages or books.

Specifications of Ferric Chloride Anhydrous:

Appearance: Greenish to Black, Crystalline powder
FeCl3 Assay: 98 %
Ferrous Salt as FeCl2: 0.10 % max
Insolubles: 0.50 % max.
Specific Gravity@25°C: 2.80
Molecular weight: 162.5
Melting Point: 282°C
Solubility: miscible in water.